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Pupil Leadership

From 2024, Pupil Leadership has been relaunched at Wanstead with an exciting new model.

Three new Head Pupils were appointed in Year 13 and their remit will be to lead the other pupils across three main areas: School Council, Department Ambassadors and Prefects.

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Year 12

Year 13

School Council


Pupil Helpers




Head Pupils

Department Ambassadors


Mental Health/Anti-Bullying Ambassadors


School Representation: Sports Teams, Music, Dance, Drama

School Council

All pupils in the school took part in the democratic process and after a representative and equitable cross-section of the pupil body applied, shortlisting took place, leading to a small number of pupils presenting their visions to their respective year groups in assemblies. Pupils voted for their preferred candidate in their year group and two new pupils per year group have been appointed. This process ran in parallel to UK Parliament week to enrich pupils with an experience akin to the UK Parliament election process. To represent their year groups. A pupil from each form was also elected, and they gave feedback half-term twice to their year group representatives. The meetings are chaired and run by the year 13 head pupils. The feedback is channelled to the relevant staff members, including the Senior Leadership Team.

Department Ambassadors

Each Department has selected a cohort of pupils to support key areas and priorities in keeping with the needs of the area. The roles include Library ambassadors, Heron Homelink (Chick Chat), EAL Ambassadors, Sports Leaders, History Ambassadors, SEND Ambassadors. Each of these areas is co-supported by a key member of staff for the department as well as one of the Year 13 Head Pupils.


The prefects in year 10 take ownership of a variety of day to day activities to support staff and pupils around the school. They are also organised and overseen by the Year 13 head pupils. They play a key role in public events and embody the character values we promote at Wanstead High.

Pupil Helpers

All Year 8 pupils are provided with the opportunity to gain valuable work experience as pupil helpers. They will support staff in a plethora of daily activities.

Mental Health/Anti-Bullying Ambassadors

Pupils in Year 10 and 11 have been welcomed to apply to assume one of the roles as MHA/ABA. They have been given bespoke training to support these roles and work collaboratively with the staff and pupils to support important initiatives throughout the school year.

Wider School Representation

From time to time, pupils are chosen to represent the school in various extracurricular opportunities. These permeate sports teams, musical performances, dance and drama shows, as well as other challenges, competitions and initiatives. The link to our extensive extracurricular page can be found here: Wanstead High School - Clubs and Extra-curricular Activities


Wanstead High School

Redbridge Lane West
E11 2JZ

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020 8989 2791