We hope you find the new website informative and easy to navigate. We are delighted that you are taking an interest in the school whether you are a current or prospective parent or pupils or just interested in learning more about us. Please do let us know if you have any feedback on the website; we aim to ensure this is kept updated regularly helping you to find the information and news you need. Don’t forget to follow the socials which can be accessed from the site.
I am delighted to be the Headteacher of Wanstead High and am committed to ensuring that the school continues to build on all its phenomenal qualities, continues to go from strength to strength and provides the very best education for our young people. The aim of the new website is to ensure this is a welcoming and transparent place and has high quality information to support the community, especially our parents and carers, that is clear, comprehensive and informative.
Redbridge Lane
West Wanstead
E11 2JZ