Exams and Results
Exams Information
There are lots of rules and regulations surrounding public exams that all schools have to adhere to. Information regarding the rules and regulations surrounding exams is included in this section of the website and explained to pupils in assemblies and tutor time from year 9 onwards.
The internal/mock exams are run as closely as possible to the public exams so that all pupils have an understanding of what is expected of them. There are consequences if rules are breached (known as malpractice) in any exam. However, in public exams, this could lead to disqualification from an exam.
The exam team ensure that we adhere to the relevant regulations and that examinations are administered fairly to all pupils.
If you have any questions regarding exams, please contact Ms Anwar, Examinations officer at examsanddata@wansteadhigh.co.uk
Exam Summer 2025 Timetable can be viewed by clicking on the link below. Individual timetables will be emailed out to families and will be placed on Edulink.
Exam Summer 2025 Timetable
Year 11 Information event video
Exam Boards
Please see below for links to examination board websites where you will find details of examinations and contact information for each board.
Summer 2025 - GCSE Exam CodesEDEXCEL
You are now able to collect Summer 2024 Exam Certificates from the 3rd of February 2025 to the 1st of May 2025. On collection, you should carefully check that your personal details (name, date of birth, etc.) are correct and that the correct final grade(s) issued to you is/are shown. You will be required to sign that you have collected your certificates and confirm they are correct.
You need to report to the school reception anytime between 10 am and 3 pm (Monday to Friday).
Please remember certificates can only be given to you. If you are asking your parents or a sibling to do this on your behalf, please complete the form linked here. If you would like a nominated person to collect on your behalf, you must print, complete and sign this form and then give it to your representative who must bring the completed and signed form and a form of photographic ID (of the nominated person) with them when they come to school.
Please make sure you read this form carefully, complete it precisely as directed and make sure that your representative brings it, and their requested ID, with them when coming to school. The form must be the original copy bearing your signature, not an emailed or scanned copy; it is essential that we have a form with your original signature on it, otherwise we will be unable to release the certificates.
We will only pass the certificates to them on your behalf. This is because the certificates are your legal documents.
Please make sure that you make a collection, otherwise uncollected certificates will be destroyed or returned back to the examination boards. Hence, if you need them in the future, you will have to contact the examination boards directly, who can charge large fees to get hold of them.
Guides for students
Ofqual is the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation plays a key role in overseeing qualifications, examinations and assessments in England. Their annual student guide provides you with important details on the processes involved in qualifications regulated by Ofqual. It explains what you need to know before, during and after exams and assessments. We have also provided a link to advice and guidance for students on how to cope with pressure associated with test and exam anxiety.
Ofqual's student guides
Coping with exam pressure
Preparing JCQ’s Preparing to sit your exams
JCQ Documentation
JCQ is the organisation that represents the major UK exam boards. JCQ works to ensure that exams and assessments are conducted fairly and consistently across different qualifications in all schools and colleges in the UK and internationally. They set guidelines and regulations for various educational assessments, including GCSEs and A-levels, and they help maintain standards in the examination system.
They publish a number of documents providing information for candidates regarding current exam regulations. These are updated annually. The documents below are shared with pupils in assemblies and information evenings. It is the responsibility of candidates to read all the regulations, and we encourage parents and carers to do so also.
Information about you and how it is used
Informing Candidates of their Centre Assessed Marks
JCQ Coursework Assessments
JCQ Using Social Media Infographic
JCQ Written Examinations 2024
JCQ Information for Candidates AI and assessments 2024-2025
JCQ Information for Candidates Conducting Coursework 2024-2025
JCQ Information for Candidates Conducting non-examination assessments 2024-2025
JCQ Information for Candidates On your exam day 2024-2025
JCQ Information for Candidates Using social media and examination assessments 2024-2025
JCQ Information for Candidates Written Examinations 2024-2025
JCQ Information to Candidates Privacy Notice 2024-2025
JCQ Unauthorised Items Poster 2024-2025
JCQ Warning to Candidates Poster 2024-2025