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SEND – Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

The SEND Department meets the many and varied needs of pupils within the school. The current temporary SENDCO (new in post), Ms Worham, heads a department which includes two Deputy SENDCOs, as well as Higher Level Teaching Assistants and Teaching Assistants (HLTAs and TAs).  The team works closely with the Inclusion Department, led by the Inclusion Director, Ms Cini, and other staff in this area, such as Pastoral Support Managers, who contribute towards provision for young people, especially our more vulnerable learners and those with SEMH needs, including school refusal or anxiety. We have a new well-being room and plan to implement an alternative provision to support inclusive practice and lower suspension and exclusion levels.  

At Wanstead High School, we have a culture of inclusion and diversity in which everyone can participate in school life. Our Department goal mirrors the whole school ethos of a curriculum on offer that is engaging, relevant, broad and balanced and is implemented equally for every pupil in every classroom, as well as creating a love and passion for learning encouraging and enabling progress for all pupils, but especially those with SEND. This lies at the heart of all the work that we do with our young people.

The department, and wider team, work with a range of SEND pupils with needs in the following areas: Cognition and Learning, Communication and Interaction, Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties, Sensory and/or physical needs. We support pupils with Education Health and Care Plans as well as those at SEND support level. Support is largely provided in class.  Pupils may also receive, additional interventions such as literacy, numeracy, social skills or exam access arrangements. We aim to ensure staff have the best information about pupils to support in the classroom and wider school. Information is distributed to teachers via easily accessible Pupil Passports and staff are encouraged to refer pupils to the department following agreed protocol.

We work with all teachers in our school to provide access to the curriculum for pupils who require adaptive teaching and work closely with other agencies, most predominantly Redbridge SEaTTs (Special Education and Training Support Service) who provide support at whole school level and also Educational Psychologists and Speech and Language Services.

We believe in partnership working with parents and carers – we value the input of parents/carers and aim to work with them to achieve the best outcomes for their child.  Please read our SEND Policy and SEND Information report for further information.

We are working on longer term plans to improve the environment of the SEND areas and hope to move this to a new area when the building work is completed.

Feedback from pupils and parents – 2024-25
Pupils – March 2024

I am pleased with the progress I am making:

All children knew of and had attended homework club. They all felt this was a helpful resource for when they did not understand or required support with the tasks set. The children all stated that homework is adapted and children who require it, are allowed extended time. Louis pointed out that this had helped him make progress.

I know the support staff who help me:

All of the children were able to name TAs, HLTAs and some teachers who support them.

I know the support staff who help me:

All the children were able to name TAs, HLTAs and some teachers who support them.

I am happy with the support I receive:

All children were happy to receive the support they are getting, including interventions.


Parents – March 2024

Xxxx has settled extremely well and feels supported and secure at the school. I know he struggles academically, and I know interventions have been put in place."

"Counselling has been a good outlet for my child. "

"The boxing helped get some of XXXXX’s energy channelled appropriately "

"The school have really been on top of this and have shown great kindness and understanding.

"Yes. It is a good support for children who are struggling with learning."

"We are very happy with Wanstead High School - the support they provide for our child; their transparency and their clear and regular communication."

Contact details:

SENDCO – Ms L Worham – - 0208 989 2791 ext 2021

Deputy SENDCO – Ms M Dietze –

Deputy SENDCO – Ms E Harper –

SEND Administrator - TBC

Wanstead High School

Redbridge Lane
West Wanstead
E11 2JZ

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020 8989 2791