Educational Visits
Wanstead High School acknowledges the immense value of off-site visits and related activities to young people, and fully supports and encourages those that are well planned and managed.
Educational visits play an integral role in delivering education with character, and further our pupil’s education and personal growth, and the school runs an extensive educational visits programme. Super and extra-curricular visits are run across multiple subject areas, to locations such as the Old Bailey (Sociology), Warner Brother Studios (Media), and T20 cricket at the Oval (PE). The programme also includes visits abroad to destinations including Auschwitz, Ypres, Paris and Barcelona. Each Head of Year also organises whole year group visits, such as reward visits to Adventure Island and Thorpe Park, cinema visits and team-building at Lambourne End. Through this programme, all pupils in Years 7-10 and 12 are provided with the opportunity to participate in at least one visit.
Our disadvantaged pupils are priorities for access visits that are not compulsory and/or those that cannot be offered to all pupils, and funding can be made available to support participation.